Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Museum Roadtrip

Art museums are usually a stop for me whenever I travel, particularly if I'm in a place I've never been. So when I happened across America's Art Museums by Suzanne Loebl, I was curious to see what hidden gems might be out there.

The paperback offers short descriptions on 158 museums in 39 states and D.C. I was hoping for more focus on little, less well-known museums, but a lot of time is spent on the larger ones. That means much of the book is centered on New York and California, instead of giving mention to museums in the smaller states, which often get only one listing. But I liked the fact that Loebl devotes space to how the museums came about, in addition to the works they hold.

Divided by state, you can easily flip to areas you may be traveling to, to see what museums might be worth a visit. I also enjoyed reading up on museums I've been to, to compare Loebl's thoughts with my own. It's worth a quick read, especially if you're planning a vacation and looking for sights to see.

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